Jakiś wysyp tych c65 ostatnio:
https://www.ebay.it/itm/ULTRA-RARE-PCB- … FfdYED6a4s
Edit .:
Z przecieków jakiś kolo z Arizony ma tylko 50szt płyt do c65 i zaraz będzie je puszczał na yebaycu.
Jakie to prototypy?
Jak koleś kupił paletę płyt, 2g kupił kilka palet plyt obudów klawiatur itd. oraz rolkę ze stickerami i większość w europie c65 to frankensteiny..
"for John it is only original if, well, it should be the very same Serial. Best is only his own built strangers with his unique signature.
But fact is: there is no single C65 out there that has any official serial that corresponds to the parts inside. The Guy from 64er magazine and WSC who bought one container of C65s stated that they got a full container of boards, cases, keyboards, drives and a roll of bottom stickers. They started putting together the parts in Munich in early 1994 - so each and every European C65 from that container that was sold by WSC via 64er magazine issue 03/94 is a Frankenstein. That’s why a serial 71 is revision 5 while a higher serial has a 2B board."
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