(30 odpowiedzi, napisanych Programowanie - 8 bit)

Alright, I will stick with English here. One of the side ongoing projects I am doing is taking old basic programs and porting them to Fast Basic. Add some enhancements if possible. Something I am looking for is an archive of all the old type in programs from computer magazine. So far, I only found just a few that I can copy into a text editor. If anyone has these sources, maybe I can do Fast Basic ports. I can post them up on my github page.
Does anyone know of an archive?


(7 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

Some good news. We decided to produce the game with the animated character set. This will enhance the gaming experience and add more of a NES Zelda like game play. This the latest enhancement I made lately to this game. The other upgrades I made was making the encoding small that draws each screen, so more screens can be stored within the cartridge space. Added a storekeeper on the screens you need to buy items. Added a "knock-back" effect when an enemy strikes you. A colored background behind the Hitpoint (HP) indicator. Green when poisoned, Red when low.
The primary reason why the game got delayed was when we started making games for the Atari 5200 and 7800, they sold, demand for them was much higher than just 8-bit games. When I did 8-bit games, I made the 5200 port also. The other reason is that I like to tinker with games that I wrote to see if I can make something interesting happen. Some of the stuff I did enhanced Secretum Labyrinth and Video61 really liked them. Each time that happened, it required additional internal beta testing to make sure a small change did not create an issue that will pop up playing the game for a few hours.
All I can say, that when I worked with Video61 directly, things got better and evolved over time. We had to figure out stuff, it was a learning curve. I am sorry that I got involved in responding when other threads went off track, that just led to it going further. If anyone has a prior issue with the games we are involved with, please email or post it somewhere where we will have an opportunity to replay and resolve the issue. Video61 frequently posts on Atari.IO now. As long as you are clear about the problem, and civil, we will reply.


(30 odpowiedzi, napisanych Programowanie - 8 bit)

Jednym z problemów ze starymi językami napędzanymi liniowymi jest to, że widzisz Goto 1000, polega na tym, że nie wiesz, co dzieje się w linii 1000 i później. Wiem, że Atari Basic Inne wcześniejsze podstawy zostały stworzone w czasach, gdy pamięć była ograniczona i kosztowna. Dodanie GOSUB (etykieta) Do pętli, powtórki i block-IFS ułatwia programowanie programów pisania i debugowania.
Zanim odszedłem z Atari w latach 90., zacząłem tworzyć gry turbosprężarkowe przy użyciu bardziej ustrukturyzowanego programowania z powtarzającymi się niezdolnymi i itd.
Jedna rzecz, w zoptymalizowanym języku asemblera, całe ustrukturyzowane programowanie jest całkowicie poza oknem. Używam wszelkiego rodzaju kodów, aby programy działały szybciej lub używać mniej pamięci.

One issue with old line numbered driven languages is that you see GOTO 1000, is that you do not know what is happening at line 1000 and beyond. I know Atari Basic other earlier Basics were created in times when memory was limited and expensive. Adding Gosub (label) Do-Loops, Repeat-Until, and Block-Ifs makes programming much easier to write and debug programs.
Before I departed from Atari in the 1990s, I started making Turbo-Basic games using more structured programming with Exec (Label)  Repeat-Untils, etc.
One thing, in optimized assembly language, all structured programming is totally out the window. I use all sorts of cheats to make programs run faster or use less memory.


(402 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

Jaki jest dokładny rozmiar wcięcia na etykiecie? Potrafię konwertować miary metryczne.
(What is the exact size of the indent for the label? I can convert metric measurements.)


(7 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

I am working this cosmetic upgrade for Secretum Labyrinth Dark Castles. This is a proposed upgrade that I am testing currently.  This makes the coins have a flashing animation when they appear on-screen. The liquid inside potion bottles have a sparkling bubbling/movement. No final decision has been reached yet. Each time I make one of these changes requires more beta testing, and delays the release of the game.
I am sorry that some work-in-progress videos had to be taken down. Video61 and I came to an agreement that we should not be posting about games until they are ready to go up for sale. I was posting work-in-progress videos to gather feedback to get an idea of what people like. However, this sometimes had negative results. Some people nitpicked minor stuff with Secretum Labyrinth games just because Video61 will be selling the game, and not someone else.


(0 odpowiedzi, napisanych Konsole)

This may be the final work in Progress video for Delta Space Arena for Atari 7800. Showing various levels and different features.
Delta Space Arena 7800
Delta Space Arena przybywa na Atari 7800.
Wiele poziomów
Wiele funkcji.


(39 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

Typo corrected. These threads are intended to be about the video games that I write, and to work out concerns with Atarisales.com.
Looks like it will take some time for things to return to a civil state. The highlighted statement clearly refers to Sal's separation from Video61, and nothing to do with his death. Everyone does not know what was happening behind the scenes leading up to his separation. Even before he got the boot, many people seen his posts on the forums, telling people like "No Digital Downloads, end of discussion." His statement toward's Maclaneinc's Daughter, fights with Emkay, etc. etc. etc. That lead to hostilities towards me. I thought I should start with that before everyone passes judgement onto me.


(39 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

The other game I created a thread for is here. I do not create these threads just for attention, other than looking for feedback about the games I am doing. I know there is resentment about the games being sold on cartridge for the Atari 8-bit. That is why I try to put together games that people will like and important for me to hear from them during development.
I do feel remorse over someone's passing, and was disappointed about his separation about his departure with Video61 a few years ago. Some stuff happened after he left, and this is not the place to discuss that. As long as things return to a more civil state, I will not be listing what he did on Facebook either.
Yesterday, I looked over some features for Jungle Quest. In the game, there will be pits with spikes at the bottom. Of course, lethal if you fell on them. I am considering making it so these animated spike character set graphics be placed elsewhere onscreen for an obstacle you need to jump over, or avoid jumping into.
The other is temporary invincible mode for a few seconds where the main character cannot be harmed when touching animals, similar to what we see in other scrolling platform games.


(39 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

I am currently side tracked with preparing other games for release with Video61, and will be returning to Jungle Quest soon. Work needs to be done with the music. I am looking for something with a Caribbean or African drum sound, and I have been listening to samples of music.
When I originally made the initial post to move it over to this thread, I was copying and pasting text over, and left some sentences in by accident. Got called away from my computer for a few minutes, and when I return to proof read it, I decided it was not a good idea to continue discussing someone here, so I edited out some sentences about him. I apologize for the negative statement here.
I will continue to also discuss Video61 policies and labeling here, as it is related to the release of the games.  It is important that game releases in the  future maintain a good presentation. I am a programmer, and one of the graphic designers for these  games, and I do the best I can while doing my part of it.


(39 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

I would like to say thankyou for bringing me concerns about the cartridge assembly and labeling. I will forward your concerns to Lance. We have already addressed the issues mentioned here. I am aware some of it carries back before I got involved with Video61. As stated, Video61 has changed over to using better stuff, and I helped him with it.
From time to time, I do test prints of labels on my own InkJet printer that I did to a normal white sheet. I know there are some issues with faded bars inherit to my model of inkjet. From the images Video61 sent to me, I am no longer seeing them. It does look like the new printer does a better job.


(39 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

I would like to keep this relevant to Jungle Quest and what is going on presently. Going forward, Video61 will be using the improved labels on cartridges and boxes. Video61 has been using these labels starting in 2020, and better printer for over a year. I am satisfied with what Video61 is currently using. Sal did the labels for Tempest Xtreme and Venture, that was a fact not in dispute. I designed or approved the labels with Delta Space Arena and all games that followed. We now receive positive feedback about labels, boxes, instruction sheets, and comics that Video61 is using at the present time.


(39 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

BartoszP napisał/a:

I have no idea who Sal was but you should stop rocking the boat again and again.

BartoszP napisał/a:

"It's a good thing that he died"

BartoszP napisał/a:

"that we have done better....without him"

I never posted these statements. After Sal passed away, I made a memorial post on my Facebook group that acknowledged his work on Tempest Xtreme and Venture.
I did make a statement that Video61 and myself had a good working relationship after Sal parted ways back in 2015.


(39 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

Some models of ink-jet printers make high quality prints that are hard to distinguish from Laser printers. I had a cheap one years ago that I got rid of because it was expensive to replace the ink cartridges. I am not sure many people know that was one of biggest rip-offs in the computer industry. Sell you the printer cheap, but they charge a lot of money for the replacement cartridges. Companies sold refill kits and refurbished ink cartridges. A few years ago, printer manufacturers, like Cannon, HP, Epson, etc. started making printers with refillable tanks after everyone figured out they can get around buying their expensive ink-cartridges.
Quality also depends on the resolution settings. If I set mine to 300 dpi, it looks the same as a laser printer.
I tried to discuss this with my Facebook group a few years ago, and many thought I was stirring up drama over nothing.
After Video61 started using the newer printers, we had not any complaints since.


(39 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

Last year, Lance got a much better printer. Ran into the same issue that many people ran into with InkJets where the companies charge a lot of money for refilled ink. He now uses glossy paper labels. I believe he orders them from Sheetlabels.com, Avery, or local store, depending on the sizes he needs.
I am aware of  problems with older labels. The Tempest Xtreme labels were done by Sal, who was at the time middleman between myself and Video61. I did not find out about some stuff until I saw people complaining about stuff, and I started communicating with Video61 directly, and pointed out sites where he could get quality blank label sheets at good a good price. He also goes to a store near his home that stocks some sizes.


(39 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

I will be posting videos as make progress with the game, and the final version will be available on cartridge when finished. I will also be discussing the game on Atari.IO and my facebook group since July. If you have any questions, you can also contact Video61.


(39 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

Sikor napisał/a:

And what? You will done this game or talk about it - maybe someone made it?

I am the one programming this game. My name is on the title screen. I may get some help with the music.

I can tell you that I will be doing the data entry for all the additional levels, and will be fine-tuning the movement of onscreen objects.


(39 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

This game and many of my other games have been discussed on Atari IO and people have responded to the thread. People know me from other forums and on social media like Facebook for many years. I only recently started opening up here about my games. Hope I things go better for me here.


(39 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

I will be getting back to this game soon. It was originally done as a hobby project that I started posting about in 2007. Work to differentiate it from Pitfall and Jungle Hunt is ongoing. There are already many things inside the game that are not in Pitfall. With the ability to put objects anywhere, will allow more dynamic levels.


(39 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

I agree. KJMANN is irrelevant. I did ask him for some original music for this game, but never got back to me.
When I resumed work in August 2022, I started applying many of the programming techniques I learned from many of the other games I do over the years, and now working on something much better than my original design.
This game was originally going to be a compiled Turbo Basic XL game with machine language calls. But after seeing cartridge games doing well, I converted the remaining programming to assembly.
Right now, the programming is on hold, so I can wrap up work on other games.


(39 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

I know many do not know who Sal was. I have edited the post to make it less negative where KJMANN is concerned.


(39 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

Late in 2022, I resumed work on Jungle Quest, a game that I started when I returned to Atari in 2007. The game was intended to be similar to Pitfall, but would have new worlds to explore. Use big scrolling screens and take advantage of extended RAM. It will have a jumping system similar to Super Mario World and have moving platforms. Video61 wanted more elements to make it different from Pitfall because David Crane is someone he knows. I looked at another MS-DOS called "Jill of the Jungle" for inspiration. This will be a colorful and action packed challenging game.

Jungle Quest was a project I started up before encountering KJMNANl (Sal) I originally posted about the game on the AtariAge around Spring 2007 looking for feedback. After beingup for a few months, Sal contacting me, first wanting to port Amiga "Battle Squadron", then later Tempest, and kept going on about making ports of other games. I wanted to make more original creations from the start, and later learn that Video61 was supportive to this. KJMANN departed from us in 2015 because he could not resolve differences with Video61 and I.

https://youtu.be/OnYIY8AUavk  (copy & paste into webbrowse)



(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

I may post something in "Mess" when I figure stuff out. But want to keep on track keeping things relevant about Atari 8-bit and programming I do for the system.
Last year I started work on a game that I had way back when I returned to Atari. The game was called Jungle Quest. It was suppose to be similar to Pitfall, but would have new worlds to explore. Big scrolling screens. It will have a jumping system similar to Super Mario World and have moving platforms. Video61 wanted more elements to make it different from Pitfall because I David Crane is someone he knows. I looked at another MS-DOS called "Jill of the Jungle" for inspiration. This will be a colorful and action packed challenging game.
I would like to add that Jungle Quest was a project I started up before meeting Sal, and I originally posted about the game on the AtariAge forums back in 2007. Sal came in first wanting to port Amiga "Battle Squadron", then later Tempest, and kept going on about making ports of other games. I wanted to make more original creations, and Lance told me Sal complained behind my back trying to stop my original stuff because Sal wanted to control everything I published with Video61. Good thing Sal got the boot in 2015. I believe we have done better without him and that is all I am going to say about that.

(Anyone tell me why my links aren't working here)


(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

Ruskies, oh that one Facebook account. I am not doing anything and just let it sit there. Not going to remove or block because it is an account from my group. I have no control over it and cannot delete it. Have no evidence that this person had done anything malicious or has any future malice intentions. I am not going to concern myself and let make idiots out of themselves over that one while I work on my games.
I am doing more porting my prior game titles to the 7800 lately, and some of them are getting some major enhancements to take advantage of the 7800 advanced graphics and more ROM space available. Some games have additional game options and features.


(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQt4a3 … DUQGVSYUWA

Moving a discussion to another thread did not go over well. I am going to wait and figure out what to do in the future.
I am going to be more restrictive about my work-in-progress videos and wait until a large portion of the game is complete. No more of making a video with just a character or space ship moving around the screen, but wait until what you control, enemies, collisions, scoring, and sound effects are ready before posting the first work-in-progress videos. Someone monitors my YouTube channel and tries to maintain an unbiased list up on the AA forum. Maybe we can ask if he can make a duplicate thread here, and Atari.IO as well.


(48 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

I tried to use GTIA sound for Tempest Xtreme/Tempest Elite for a sound effect when the ship changes lanes. It sounded good on my end. But when KJMANN played it on his loud speaker, it made a sound that almost broke his windows. Now I looked back, maybe I should have kept it.