(3 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

sorry guys... but if you don't know any polish... sorry i forgot to write him a PM...you are right...and sorry for not looking into the filebase... i wasn't aware that there is a unsap tool...


(6 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

i tried but it does not play any sound...


(6 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

jaskier... but in the sources there is no explanation what the init parameters are...

ldx = hi-byte of music data
ldy = lo-byte
accu = ???

what are the A parameters??? how do i initialise the fast version? the standard version?


(6 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

MM: for the future: write at proper forum!

guys... i need (again) help with MPT

i have downloaded & converted the player versions c and s found on jaskier's website...

then i have saved MPT music done by xray in MPT protracker at $1000... can someone explain why this does not work?

;* mpt player test

;mus_init equ $7891
;mus_play equ $7500

mus_init equ $3400
mus_play equ $3403

    org $4000

    mva #0 $fa
    ldx #$10
    jsr mus_init

start mva #1 540
loop    lda 540
    bne loop
    jsr mus_play
    inc 712
    lda $fa
    sta 710
    jmp start

    org $1000
    ins 'pac1a.mpt',6

;        org $7500
;        ins 'mptplr75.obj'
        org $3400
    ins 'pla24s.obx',6

i have a player routine $7500 which was ripped some 10 years ago... with this player the music playes... but when i am using the mptpla24s.asx it dows not play any sound... or even the short version c...  can someone help me here? as i am playing around to exchange RMT music with MPT music in Boinxx...

thanks, karolj


(3 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

MM: for the future: write at proper forum! And if you have a message to X-Ray, write him an email or private msg at forum... :(

Xray... i scanned my whole PC and just recovered 2 of the 4 4pac MPTs... do you still have them in MPT format?

i have all 4 of them in SAP format... is there a tool where i can convert SAPs back to their source format?


(4 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

4pac is on hold... it was a small project based on an idea @ yahoo atari newsgroup..... drc did great gfx... nice msx as well ;)... but i made small progesses with this little game...the player routine did not worked (i still not know why...)  and my free time was limited... at the beginning i thought its like demo coding but it wasn't... coding a game is something different... than demos...

so... i thought i'll start a new one... 1st i started to code again when i was waiting for my connection flight on a business tripp... the game was called trackball and was kind of trailblazer clone which i wanted to do kind of inspired by rainbow walker as well... and it should fit into 4k... i had the 3d engine running and working, the level structure & depacker but then i lost my USB stick with all source files of "trackball".... so i lost interest again in coding... as i did wanted to start again from scratch...

then ii was watching my floor with the tiles...and then i thought...why not put 3d trailblazer onto 2d and again try to fit that into 4k or even 1k... analmux and i had a discussion on atariage about his mario clone and the scroll wrapper to minimize screen ram and i started to write a wrapper just kind of proove of concept (same concept as on GBA f.e.) interesting thing is that the 1st version worked so kept me motivated... then Retrofan did the level & tile gfx and the ball animation... so boinxx was born and grows steadily... as i am a fan of the old happy computer game "jump!" because of the 3 layer parallax scrolling i implemented parallax as well... so again it worked easily... at the moment i am working on the sprite engine as Boinxx will use software sprites for the enemies... i hope that i have enough CPU time left...

i have a lot of ideas for the game, small update was the power up panel which will enable you to perform special moves... i have many others like

- weather conditions (fog, night, rain, wind)
- power ups (long jump, slow down, revers controls, warp, ....)
- enemies (darts, ....)
- special fx like f.e. earthquake & meteors...

and my biggest motivation is that i definitly seem to have the "flow" again of being creative again and to have game coding experience...

so... **j... that's the story behind 4pac & boinx...  i still love your 4pac msx but i am using RMT for boinxx... but why not using MPT and your tracks??? i hope i still have them...

cheers, karolj


(4 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

anybody here to draw some gfx for boinxx??? title screen, menu gfx.

level gfx is done by Retrofan but i had a look on Dynablaster and realised that for boinxx i need professional gfx to match the quality of Dynablaster (well done vegal, tebe).

Dracon? Vegal? anybody else interested?



(9 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

and... its from poland... ;) so maybe atari .xex or .atr support will be added or better xasm compatibility....


(9 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)


i like the debugger etc... this is what i like to have for xasm or atari800win... like the nintendo emulators... (no$gb f.e.)


(3 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

happy new year! cze my polish & czech atarians!!!

esp. my taquart mates! (or meg... ;))


(0 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

now incl. small power up panel...

still missing msx by samurai... ;)


(17 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)



all is in the zip archive... ;)

the zip: http://www.atariage.com/forums/download.php?id=33727


(17 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

dely... but they can'T say when you are using charpad and designing levels for Boinxx... as boinxx is unique... ;)

[ Dodano: Pią Gru 31, 2004 1:01 ]
or what about a g2f title screen?


(17 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

thanks dely... :) what about tiles & level design?


(17 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)


Maybe some of you can help me in designing some levels for Boinxx?

more info & code here:
http://www.atariage.com/forums/viewtopi … 974#767974

the Boinxx thread:




(29 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

let's welcome here... :D

not bad.... ;) say gtrx to her....


(7 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

ok... but i have no english documentation for MPTplayer... ;)

i had a look at the energy#1 intro...@ $dcd0ff. there are the ini calls for the mpt irq loader and start loading procedere at $dd04 jmp $0a00...

x,y are adress values for the music data (hi,lo) but what are the accu initalisation values? i see there severall calls...

sample data seems to be @ $6000-$6fff, pokey tracks @ $7100 and sample tracks at $06e0...

but i haven't managed to exchange the music...


(7 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)


can i use track0,1 in MPT or any special?

and where do i tell mp24smp where the mpt data & sample data is stored???


(9 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

miker...cool stuff... i was blown away from the overmind style... very amiga like... and i loved how the music was synced together...

3rd side...do you mean the unofficial 3d side? with the "pre-hip" stuff???

[ Dodano: Nie Gru 12, 2004 13:13 ]
@ jaskier

i am going through your code... but can't find in the play24smp source where you are loading new sectors???

if i am installing a new IRQ how can i use the rom disc routines???

[ Dodano: Nie Gru 12, 2004 13:13 ]
aha... DCB is the device control block (dcb+1,+2 = sector no.)

should have read the code more closer... as we are communicating directly with the disk station (or well... with the serial buss via $d20d serin, serout)...

i am just analysing your code and reading "atari intern" book...

[ Dodano: Nie Gru 12, 2004 22:22 ]
jaskier... i played around with the irq loader... but have you checked if they can assembled with xasm correctly?

i mean... f.e. the zinloader... how do i tell xasm to assemble the code to $6000 but assuming that the PC is $0600???

i can remember in mac65 or bibo ass you would do something like org $6000,$0600 ...

your zinload writes the irq loader to disc... but when i checked via monitor its not assembled there?

what about the end-var in the pla24smp? does not xasm stop when reaching END directive?

[ Dodano: Pon Gru 13, 2004 0:00 ]
ok... heureka... i got it... it's quite simple if you know what it does... ;) i managed to understand the zinloader... i have modified the loader and it after pressing start and inserting the energy#1 disc it loaded successfully the intro...

[ Dodano: Czw Gru 16, 2004 0:00 ]
jaskier... can you help me out with the irq loader playing 2 voices + digi...

where can i specify the MPT music adress and the sample adress??? maybe you can help me out so i can play around further. (mp24smp)

can i compose music in mpt using track0,1 or any special tracks???

thanks for any help, mate.


(7 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

thanks dely... impressive...

btw... would it  be easy to run f.e. bachmix in jaskier's irq loader? (sorry...haven't much time to test yet...) or does jaskier's code need a special composed track?

dely... can i post your link @ atariage as well???


(10 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

anybody interested in some 7800 coding? a very nice beast...

f.e. converter
http://www.atariage.com/forums/viewtopi … 816#758816

and RMT is ported as well so... rock on... ;)


(7 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

where can i download native MPT files??? via google i just find SAPs, TMCs... but not any music disc esp. mpt files with digis...


(1 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

any ideas how i can enter the disc menu of MPT??? i can remember something with shift+ESC but it does not work in emulator?

or am i completly wrong?


(9 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

@ jaskier

thanks jaskier...

i have downloaded the files and i am just going through the source... hey it's better commented than eru'S and fox' source... (--> numen... ;) ;))

pla24smp.asx seems the loader for the magazine?

what specs do the MPT tracks need to have??? i guess you haven't got the loading tune anymore in MPT format???? ;)

@ tatqoo

send the file to my web.de account...


(29 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

...refering to atariki???? :8