gRzEnIu, yes and no. I have my own database. But I am using the TOSEC naming conventions. So I can simply do a file search for easy queries.
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atari.area forum » Posty przez twh
Strony Poprzednia 1 2
gRzEnIu, yes and no. I have my own database. But I am using the TOSEC naming conventions. So I can simply do a file search for easy queries.
Indeed, Numen is stereo. I just had a complete new expirience. I watched the demo now a thousand times or so, but everytime I enjoy it like the first day :)
Eru, what a great idea! Then we could have a session to discuss Lepix.
cool I update my database ! .. Btw, I didn't know that it's possible to change other people's postings :)
MM: Don't quote previous posts (at least on this forum).
Sorry for not speaking polish, but on this I must ask the experts :)
I am preparing a one hour atari 8bit demo show for the Outline party in the Netherlands. I prefer to show demos with stereo sound rather than "normal" demos. However, I am not sure which demos are supporting the stereo upgrade and which not.
Please could we here collect demos that support stereo?
Ars Mori (1999)(Tristesse)
Base 33 (1999)(Aids)
Black (1998)(Apocalypse Riders)
Extract (1997)(Bit Busters)
Incredible Story (1997-04-19)(Excellent)
Nonejm (1997)(Tight)
Numen (2002)(Taquart)
Overmind (1995)(Slight)
Owca (1998)(Animkomials)
Owca 2 (1999)(Animkomials)
Raving Vieprz (1996)(Pentagram)
Rotten Juice (1996)(MEC)
Sheol (1998)(Bit Busters)
Sillent but Violent (1997)(Excellent)
Smells Like A Cream (1998)(Dial Recordz)
Taku-ardo (1998)(Taquart)
Too Hard * (1997)(Animkomials)
Total Daze (1997)(Tight)
Trip 6 (1997)(Shadows)
Ultra (1997)(Taquart)
Vengeance (1997)(Excellent)
Zero (1998)(NG)
music discs:
Voice of Silence III - Eclipse Day (1997)(Taquart)
Voice of Silence III - Preview (1997)(Taquart)
Strony Poprzednia 1 2
atari.area forum » Posty przez twh
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