Jeśli ktoś powinien strony pokez chipa, proszę dać mi znać. Zakupy.
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Silly Venture 2024WE - wyniki Ponad sto prac wzięło udział w compo SV2024WE
Trwa Silly Venture 2024 w Gdańsku! Party się rozpoczęło, zajrzyj po link do streamów.
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TURGEN 9.3.0 Kolejna wersja multiplatformowego narzędzia do zarządzania obrazami taśm.
SV 2024 WE - program imprezy Już za tydzień odbędzie się zimowa edycja Silly Venture
atari.area forum » Posty przez w1k
Jeśli ktoś powinien strony pokez chipa, proszę dać mi znać. Zakupy.
(google translate)
yes.. dump content of cartridge to file.. but that is internat 8kb cartridges flash in eprom.. … C_0064.jpg … C_0065.jpg … C_0067.jpg … C_0068.jpg
Hello atarians..
Can i save my eprom to binary file? i have three other cartridges in my atari (3x eprom).. switching buttons i can load one of that three carts..
Is it possible?
i burned SiO port.. it doesnt work
hello, i try load Macroassembler and Debbuger 65.atr
i boot with sio2pc, then when i type MAC65, system show me
i have 800xe with 320kb ram
my girlfriend playing yoomp :)
Zaxon, no no, one electrotechnian made it for me.. but i'm interested for your sio2pc :)
great.. thank you, lotharek :)
can i turn off basic on my atari? yes, it's correct.. in emulator (64kb, basic on) programs doesnt work too.. sio2pc is ok.. but that basic, wrr
thank you, miker
i simulated my atari with emulator - enabled basic, 64kbram, but everything is ok.. i try load exe, com from atr and bootable atr too.. 80% not work.. classic games - saper, draconus.. :(
i use sio2pc to simulate diskdrive from my atari (800xe, 64kb).. but 80% of files doesnt work.. i use APE..
loading, loading and than freeze..
mercenary is OK
ROBBO is ok
but some demos (1kb, 64kb) doesnt work.. games too
if you dont receive my emails, here is my address
viktor čech
bjornsonova 5
slovakia :)
hello, how i can copy program/game from diskrive or memory to cassette?
how i can open that file mentioned by linker.txl ?
i make it !! :) thanks.. but 20 line program have 12 kb .. :(
how fastest is it now?
when i try "L"OAD, then - error 21 at addr 0. ($226F)
i cant found linker.txl in turbobasic.atr.. i have lot versions, compilers, but linker.txl missing
in i can RUN, LOAD.. but i cant save executable..
can i compile BAS to ASM?
i try turbo basic compiler.. it create a FILE.CTB.. but what can i do with that file?
that is no problem, thank you :)
ok.. i found it.. version with rs232 can damage POKEY.. other versions are ok..
Hi! I heard that sio2pc cable can damage the Pokey chip for Atari, it's true?
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