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Silly Venture 2024WE - wyniki Ponad sto prac wzięło udział w compo SV2024WE
Trwa Silly Venture 2024 w Gdańsku! Party się rozpoczęło, zajrzyj po link do streamów.
Flop 68 Po dwuletniej przerwie wraca Flop!
TURGEN 9.3.0 Kolejna wersja multiplatformowego narzędzia do zarządzania obrazami taśm.
SV 2024 WE - program imprezy Już za tydzień odbędzie się zimowa edycja Silly Venture
Opcje wyszukiwania (Strona 15 z 18)
w1k napisał/a:thanks, i done it.. now i have new problem. uf
i send you PM
thanks, i done it.. now i have new problem. uf
i write atari magazine ATA.. someone from atarionline forum help me with opening txt files..
but now is problem.
i have menu - A,B,C - for different txt file..
when i open text from A and i return to menu and hit SOME key, but not A, then is display that some text..
what is a problem?
file ATA2.BAS from file.
@pajeto missing mlm is not problem for me.. im happy with this new q-meg :)
today i maybe test this q-meg on real atari 130xe
edit 17:34.. yes, i tested, works fine, what i can doo test? i have no external SIO2SD.
yes, of course.. but its very old diskettes and i dont know what programs are there.. im curious:)
hello, i have maybe 50 5'25 diskettes and i years searching for disk drive.. can somebody helpme?
it is 15 years old mod..
i have 320kb in 800xe:
You watched the live programming sio2sd chip. the longer punished it finally succeeded thanks to flashjazzcat. i will be continuited with live broadcast, thank you for watching and support, good night :)
hmm, actually im bussy, i must buy new atari for this testing, maybe 10/11 2010
you can watch me..
today: programing dead sio2sd with avr atmel
maybe 19:00-20:00
watch it :)
today arrived eprom with q-meg 5rc.. i try to run it :)
i mena.. ROM to binary, not a CAR to binary
Hello, can i convert cartridge file CAR to binary? how?
Hi, i need this game.. but .ATR or XEX file.. :(
PIA is ok.. maybe 14 pin is dead.. yes, dad have that schemes (printed)
my dad says:
i cant do anything, because 14pin is OFF (fired, broken)
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