Temat: MPT player init?

MM: for the future: write at proper forum!

guys... i need (again) help with MPT

i have downloaded & converted the player versions c and s found on jaskier's website...

then i have saved MPT music done by xray in MPT protracker at $1000... can someone explain why this does not work?

;* mpt player test

;mus_init equ $7891
;mus_play equ $7500

mus_init equ $3400
mus_play equ $3403

    org $4000

    mva #0 $fa
    ldx #$10
    jsr mus_init

start mva #1 540
loop    lda 540
    bne loop
    jsr mus_play
    inc 712
    lda $fa
    sta 710
    jmp start

    org $1000
    ins 'pac1a.mpt',6

;        org $7500
;        ins 'mptplr75.obj'
        org $3400
    ins 'pla24s.obx',6

i have a player routine $7500 which was ripped some 10 years ago... with this player the music playes... but when i am using the mptpla24s.asx it dows not play any sound... or even the short version c...  can someone help me here? as i am playing around to exchange RMT music with MPT music in Boinxx...

thanks, karolj


Odp: MPT player init?

Different players have different init routines. pla24s is a "normal" player (with full options). It looks for me that the player you have ripped is a "fast" version (probably pla24b or pla24d).
My advice: stick with the "fast" version. Most people does not need all the options of full version. The advantage in speed is also important.

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Odp: MPT player init?

jaskier... but in the sources there is no explanation what the init parameters are...

ldx = hi-byte of music data
ldy = lo-byte
accu = ???

what are the A parameters??? how do i initialise the fast version? the standard version?


Odp: MPT player init?

My advice: stick with the "fast" version. Most people does not need all the options of full version. The advantage in speed is also important.

You mean this player by Fox? But music with this player sounds different, tahn with standard player, in my opinion - worse. Heaven: you should just try, if the music plays correct with the fast player...


Odp: MPT player init?

i tried but it does not play any sound...


Odp: MPT player init?

jaskier... but in the sources there is no explanation what the init parameters are...

Sorry, but I thought that the sources are "self explanatory" :D

Fox player doesn't have any init. It has to be assembled with music address.

Usage of fast player:
lda <music
ldx >music
jsr init

Usage of normal player is much more complicated, it requires 2 calls or even 3 if you use samples.

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Odp: MPT player init?

aarg... damned...

with fox' player works now...  thanks jaskier...