Temat: GEOS for atari ?


I found this web-site http://members.elysium.pl/ytm/html/geos.html

Are there atari ports of this software ?


Odp: GEOS for atari ?

of course not !

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Odp: GEOS for atari ?

of course not !

Why not, do you know any good GUI for the Atari 8-bit.

I have DIAMOND GOS both the cartridge and disk-version they look nice but GEOS looks even nicer.
BOSS-X is also good, but TURBO-BASIC and doesn't run alot of software.


Odp: GEOS for atari ?

ask TeBe about writing something like that? ;)

I Ty zostaniesz big endianem...


Odp: GEOS for atari ?

no problem :)

[ Dodano: Pią Gru 17, 2004 10:50 pm ]
moje KungFu jest najlepsze

*- TeBe/Madteam
3x Atari 130XE, SDX, CPU 65816, 2x VBXE, 2x IDE Plus rev. C


Odp: GEOS for atari ?

The TeBe itself! (Ja jestem koder praktykujący, żadnego kodu się nie boję.)

We have excellent Sparta DOS, and we don't need any lame windows-like systems ;) Better try to port u**x for the Little One. ;)

[ Dodano: Sob Gru 17, 2004 00:00:00 ]
A tak się ma -1 do upływu dni i wieczną młodość.  :mrgreen:


Odp: GEOS for atari ?

Jurgi - why not???

Just call it another cart to put on the shelf. :D :D :D

I Ty zostaniesz big endianem...


Odp: GEOS for atari ?

Only one shelf for cartridge collection? What a lame. ;)

I Poland Zoltar had made WinOS. Vasco coded Syzygy 3 magazine ane Scene Register 4 under it? People disliked it?

[ Dodano: Pia Gru 17, 2004 00:00:00 ]
A tak się ma -1 do upływu dni i wieczną młodość.  :mrgreen:


Odp: GEOS for atari ?

TXG: I can see that you're in a hurry. But building a new OS - a new OS that would make some sense, be useful and not be yet another crap - is rather a complex process.

Second, I personally don't think that building a new OS for 6502-based Ataris makes sense, and that there are people really interested in writing such a thing. IMHO, nothing can beat SpartaDOS X, which is both very advanced and usable on daily basis. Perhaps the CLI is not very "impressive" - although the look and feel of the SpartaDOS X is excellent IMHO - but it is at least trurly useful and convenient.

As for new system that could offer maximum support for the 65c816, we first need some BIOS-level thing expansible enough to be a base for a softloaded OS, then we need a new SIO and new CIO which would allow direct sector and file i/o transfers to the expanded address space, and then a new DOS, and then some decent development tools allowing to write programs easier (an assembler, a C compiler etc.) ... and THEN, but not earlier, we can think about a nice and impressive GUI.

? HEX$(6670358)