Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

Another one who likes childish games. Birds of a feather flock together, etc.

Ostatnio edytowany przez flashjazzcat (2023-01-09 22:09:50)


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

My Bird is taking flight. Megaoids is one of the games I have on the Atari 8-bit. Ported to 5200 that sold very well. Now porting to 7800. This is not the bird that involves my middle finger being extended that I like to show the cat. I have more in my flock.


Ostatnio edytowany przez PeteyM5 (2023-01-10 20:01:55)


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

scena... ;-)


moze w rozwiklaniu tej zagadki pomoze śnieżynka śledcza?



Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

spokojnie, wątek będzie dłuższy niż ten o xbjos.

Kontakt: pin@usdk.pl


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

What is happening to me lately is that I have been busy working on various Atari 8-bit, 5200, and 7800 games. I would love to continue supporting the 8-bit platform with new games, and do have several lined up in various stages of development. Despite the bullying I have received over the years, I still strive to move forward. I make enough from royalties and games sell good enough to continue. I have taken down those other accounts many months ago because they are no longer necessary. I know I have many followers, fans, and royal customers that want to see good stuff come from me, and it is better to continue to move towards a positive image.


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

I want to be your 'royal' fan.. could you provide link to your productions?

Ostatnio edytowany przez pancio.net (2023-01-28 07:50:15)

https://systemembedded.eu/ ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwS7Es1x6mw
""Ja bardzo przepraszam, ale podejrzenia panów są całkowicie bezpodstawne. Ja niczym nie handluję. Ta pani przyszła do mnie w tym Pancake-u i w nim wychodzi.""
ABBUC Member #319. Preferowana forma kontaktu: email


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

pancio.net napisał/a:

I want to be your 'royal' fan.. could you provide link to your productions?





Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

I have taken down those other accounts many months ago because they are no longer necessary.


You forgot this email account. I know time passes quickly as one gets older, but this email was sent only nineteen days ago from the same email account you previously used to register one of several sock-puppet accounts at AtariAge, at the very least (I won't repeat the details of more recent discussions I had with the forum administrators here).

Ostatnio edytowany przez flashjazzcat (2023-01-28 13:53:25)


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

The AtariAge account mentioned happened over four years ago, plus I had not attempted to create accounts for almost 3 years now. It was obvious I was no longer able to have civil conversations there about my games, and discussions now happen on here, Atari.IO, Facebook, and YouTube.
There are no special rules from email services about having accounts. How many different email accounts do you have? Everyone I know have multiple email accounts they use for various reasons, separate for work, business, romance, pleasure. I cannot tell you how many times I used a different account to sign up for something because I don't want my business accounts to be spam jammed.
Myself and Video61 receive emails and seems to be ongoing possible coming from thug Atari community members that I had prior problems with on AtariAge. I have discovered many associations over the years and I know of your association with Albert, the late KJMANN, and others. I receive emails requesting to buy game binaries, about packaging, about us selling on cartridge. Lance receives email requests to buy boards and shells, attempts to scam him, etc. I am glad I did not sell someone any ROMs because last year I discovered that bootleg game binaries were being sold that belong to Video61 and AtariAge. Don't worry, that account was terminated.


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

Having civil discussions online with people does help me build better games. I am working on several possible upgrades to Secretum Labyrinth Dark Castles. I have a separate thread here, on Facebook, and Atari.IO. If anyone likes to discuss, you may go to any of those places.

Ostatnio edytowany przez PeteyM5 (2023-01-28 16:24:37)


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

plus I had not attempted to create accounts for almost 3 years now

I understand you kept trying long after that, and I happen to know you still attempt to do the exact same thing when signing up to other forums.

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

It was obvious I was no longer able to have civil conversations there about my games

Entirely because of your own actions: a pig-headed unwillingness to accept (generally constructive) criticism, implying that the entire community was out to pirate your stuff, and of course maintaining a number of sock-puppet accounts which you used to big-up said products and hold conversations with your main account (so you were actually talking to yourself and creating the impression you were responding to a third party). I think you need to accept a bit of blame for how things panned out at AtariAge, to put it mildly.

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

There are no special rules from email services about having accounts. How many different email accounts do you have?

I have about four, BUT EVERYONE KNOWS THEY BELONG TO ME. I don't use them to email people creepy, spam messages pretending I'm called 'Jake Arthur'. Of course I receive spam all the time and it goes into the junk, but the big difference here is that I KNOW YOU ARE THE SOURCE OF THE JAKE ARTHUR EMAIL. If any other community member sent me emails like that while pretending to be someone else, and I knew it was them (as I know with 100 per cent certainty that you were behind the Jake Arthur emails), I'd treat them exactly as I treat you: calling you out for your bullshit and publicly questioning why you persist in doing such asinine things.

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

Everyone I know have multiple email accounts they use for various reasons, separate for work, business, romance, pleasure. I cannot tell you how many times I used a different account to sign up for something because I don't want my business accounts to be spam jammed.

I find it hard to believe anyone can be stupid enough to conflate having separate business and personal email addresses with sending weird, creepy emails to people under an assumed name using a ghost email account. Everything you write is either a massive, deliberate troll, or you're an idiot.

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

Myself and Video61 receive emails and seems to be ongoing possible coming from thug Atari community members that I had prior problems with on AtariAge.

Not from me you don't. I didn't reply to one of your (again, unsolicited emails) since I was copied in on some discussion between you and another Atari community member, and I seem to remember telling you to f**k off, and have made no attempt to email you since. I ended up blocking Lance's emails, meanwhile, after he started an email disucssion with me about your anitics, because it was like talking to a brick wall. But if you do receive emails from aggravated community members (not the imaginary 'AtariAge thugs', but people like me who you've probably pissed off to the point at which they completely lose their temper), YOU HAVE ONLY YOURSELF TO BLAME.

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

I have discovered many associations over the years and I know of your association with Albert, the late KJMANN, and others.

LOL. Get a load of Sherlock Holmes here. Of course I speak to Albert privately; I never made any secret of the fact. I was one of the people who helped identify your sock accounts at AtariAge; it wasn't hard, since all your sock accounts made the same grammatical errors you made when posting with your main account. And yes: I spoke to Sal as well. He forwarded me the nasty email you sent him a few days before he died. I still have it sitting here in my inbox.

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

Having civil discussions online with people does help me build better games.

Hilarious, coming from the person who signed up on this very forum a few months ago and posted under a pseudonym, speaking about 'Buffalo Pete' in the third-person and shit-stirring by accusing me of harrassing him and other community members, until the admin established the account holder's true identity and changed the account name to PeteyM5.

Ostatnio edytowany przez flashjazzcat (2023-01-28 20:37:43)


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

żałosne. biedny czlowiek.

gdzie wplacic.

Ostatnio edytowany przez xxl (2023-01-28 20:45:06)



Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

Sugeruję tu https://www.wosp.org.pl/wspieraj


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

i to mu pomoze?



Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

Kto wie? Na pewno się nie zmarnuje a Ty dobry uczynek zaliczysz dla odmiany.


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?


"po raz pierwszy w historii za zebrane pieniądze zostanie zakupiony sprzęt, który posłuży każdej osobie. W 2023 roku WOŚP ma zamiar zakupić nowoczesny sprzęt do szybkiej identyfikacji bakterii, które mogą doprowadzić do sepsy."

Możliwe, że tak.


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

myslisz ze sprzet do identyfikacji bakterii pomoze w jego problemie? sprzet do identyfikacji bakterii zainstalowany na terenie wielkiego imperium pomoze osobie ktora nigdy w nim nie byla?



Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?


Oczywiście. Jeśli w nim będzie. To przyszłość. Lubisz bawić się słowami, udowodnisz, że w twojej krucjacie jest jakiś sens?

Ja po prostu nie do końca rozumiem. Masz szansę robić swoje i olać każdą opinię, która mija się z prawdą a wybierasz jakieś dziwne forumowe potyczki. Wg. mnie tracisz czas.

Zatrudnij do tego jakiegoś bota, będzie prościej :)
Możliwości już są.


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

Weź się przełam i pokaż jakim wielkim imperialnym Słowianinem jesteś ... no weź ... pokaż, że możesz być lepszy


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

ccwrc napisał/a:

Oczywiście. Jeśli w nim będzie. To przyszłość.

mysle, ze sie mylisz w diagnozie. bakterie mogace wywolywac sepse to slepy trop.



Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

Ja myślę, że tutaj z panem trollem XXL problem jest taki, że wszyscy go karmimy. Bez karmienia taki troll zdechnie na forum jedyną słuszną śmiercią - jako zapomniany. Czasem ludzie będą go wspominać, to na pewno. Coś w stylu: "Pamiętacie, był taki degenerat umysłowy na forum Atari Area, kręcił afery bez powodu, obnażał publicznie swoją ułomność, ale nikt mu nic nie robił... Czuł się bezkarny, admini mu pofolgowali nie wiedzieć czemu, ale w końcu zdechł, mimo kilku wartościowych rzeczy, które gdzieś kiedyś tam zrobił. Taki forumowy Parszywek"...

Nie karmcie trolla, nie odpowiadajcie na jego kretyńskie komentarze. Może w końcu sobie pójdzie i zdechnie na tym forum. Oby tylko jaj nie złożył... Oczywiście nie swoich, bo własnych raczej nie posiada.

fb.com/MagiaOsmiuBitow | fb.com/RetroKlinikaSerwis | fb.com/RetroKlinika | soundkiller.bandcamp.com


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?


Oczywiście, że tak. Ponieważ je świstak najpierw w sreberka pozawijał a gdy się zorientował jaki błąd zrobił i odwinął te sreberka, to tam zamiast bakterii sepsy był wirus covida. No to je pozbierał w pakiet wielkości xl ale było ich więcej więc skończyło się na xxl a to przerasta najtęższe umysły, a co dopiero zwykłych użytkowników sprzętu vintage.


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

I decided to make the request myself to change my screen name with the admin here. I decided it was best to let FlashJazzCat  to see who he really were talking to here. Likewise, I actually had this account here for years, but did not use it much until a few months ago when I saw you were giving other people problems. Because this forum is Polish speaking, I did not come here that often. Oh, I have known association right away because not long after Jon posted on Facebook, it did not take long for Albert to show up.
As far as I know, AtariAge was the only retro community gaming forum that I ever had issues with. I had the same Atari.IO account since 2015 and because it is admin by a friend of Lance, I never attempted to do anything else there. So, what are the forum websites that FlashJazzcat speaks about? If other forum admins had problems, it is not me. I assume that they can track IP addresses and their origin.
I am relieved FlashJazzCat is not involved with those emails that we have been receiving.
I does look like my justifications for doing stuff because of piracy, bootlegging, and passing along sensitive information, and materials were well founded. Sal owed debt to Lance, and was showing the source code for Tempest and Venture to other people. It was when someone threatened him with allegations that I stole the source code from others, he requested to get an attorney involved. There were threats to distribute the binaries that he was providing for beta testing. It was because Sal severely violated the trust we had with him, that Lance requested Sal to pay back money owed. Because Sal could not pay, Atlantis Games Group was acquired by Lance. I understand that Sal was offering Atlantis Games Group to the other popular Atari store, and the owner was furious when Lance got it. I am not going to go into detail what sort of legal issues this could had caused. Sal was deserving some nasty messages from me because of the betrayal he did to us.
The other justification comes from another individual we had problems with for years, attempted to fraud Lance. The person  came to me offering money to buy game ROMs for their personal use. I did use aliases to investigate him over two years ago on social media. When a deal fell through, he created several fake email accounts and emailed Lance. Alleging that I was using fake accounts on social media, that I was greedy because the price offered was $10 per ROM. I believe he might have created fake AtariAge and Facebook accounts to get me into trouble. This person last year was also approaching friends of mine on Facebook, offering to sell them bootleg copies of games that included ones sold by Video61. Some others could be downloaded for free elsewhere. Again, I investigated, and eventually called him out, that we are aware and watching him, before blocking him. So is FlashJazzCat going to say I was not justified for taking such actions?

Ostatnio edytowany przez PeteyM5 (2023-01-28 23:40:26)


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

Dynastia, sezon 112, odcinek 2.. w rolach głównych....

... stary - wyjaśnijcie sobie to to w Bałaganie - my tu karmimy trola!

https://systemembedded.eu/ ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwS7Es1x6mw
""Ja bardzo przepraszam, ale podejrzenia panów są całkowicie bezpodstawne. Ja niczym nie handluję. Ta pani przyszła do mnie w tym Pancake-u i w nim wychodzi.""
ABBUC Member #319. Preferowana forma kontaktu: email


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

I to, zdaje się, niejednego...

I Ty zostaniesz big endianem...