Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?


Ostatnio edytowany przez PeteyM5 (2022-12-31 13:32:31)


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

PilotZmii napisał/a:

Whoever controls this Anne Krys account is teasing flashjazzcat. Buffalo Pete doesn't mention what's going on here, in his Facebook group, or Atari.IO. Can we be sure it's him?

Peter has apparently addressed the situation in a post made on his... um... 'primary' account, in which he denies all knowledge of the Anne Krys Stark account, despite the fact it's the same account which was once an admin on his group page, albeit under a different name (easily demonstrable by screenshots taken at the time). He appears to be hopelessly confused at the moment, which is what happens, I suppose.

Why was Rensoup's name introduced into this thread, BTW, and why is he continually mentioned? AFAIK, he is a good faith actor with whom I have had no interaction since March 2022. If he's discouraged from writing porting games, I would imagine it's because of this: https://forums.atariage.com/topic/29891 … nt=5154969

Ostatnio edytowany przez flashjazzcat (2022-12-01 19:45:51)


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

PilotZmii napisał/a:
xxl napisał/a:

65816 to procek 16 bitowy
juz samo to mowi ze to nie "scena 8bit" ;-)

Tak, 65816 to 16-bitowy procesor. Ale działa na 8-bitowej magistrali.
Pracuję nad kilkoma 8-bitowymi grami na Atari 8-bit i 7800.

You can't always go by the part numbers that indicate something is 8 or 16 bit. Each producer did their own thing. The 6800 (4 digits) is an 8-bit processor from Motorola, the 68000 (5 digits) is 16 bit. The 6500 and 6501 were identical to the 6800, and there were several civil lawsuits between MOS and Motorola, but the 6502 was different enough to avoid legal action. It was because the 6502 was much cheaper that it led companies like Apple, Commodore and Atari to produce computers using them. Motorola was left behind.
Even so, the 65816 only had 8 data pins and could only write 8 bits to memory at a time. Takes an extra step to store the high-order bits in memory. They can run native 6502 code, but have additional 16-bit instructions and registers, so you can create programs to handle more advanced processing.

Ostatnio edytowany przez PeteyM5 (2022-12-01 20:13:50)


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

I did email Lance and got a reply. Stated he was not aware and has no control. Buffalo Pete can just say it's not him. People can fight all they want on forums and social media that live many kilometers apart, and it never ends. This is not the pleasant side of the 8-bit scene.
Now I need to find the section on here that talks about Mad Pascal.


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?



https://systemembedded.eu/ ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwS7Es1x6mw
""Ja bardzo przepraszam, ale podejrzenia panów są całkowicie bezpodstawne. Ja niczym nie handluję. Ta pani przyszła do mnie w tym Pancake-u i w nim wychodzi.""
ABBUC Member #319. Preferowana forma kontaktu: email


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

aaaaaaaand https://gitlab.com/users/bocianu/projects and BLIBS https://bocianu.atari.pl/blog/blibs of bocianu in particular.

hex, code and ror'n'rol
niewiedza buduje, wiedza rujnuje


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

Dziękuję bardzo
Thank you very much guys.


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

PilotZmii napisał/a:

I did email Lance and got a reply. Stated he was not aware and has no control. Buffalo Pete can just say it's not him. People can fight all they want on forums and social media that live many kilometers apart, and it never ends. This is not the pleasant side of the 8-bit scene.

No, it's not pleasant at all, especially in such a small community. Peter can say it's not him, but unfortunately he's been caught in a lie yet again, since the 'Anne Krys Stark' account (previously named 'Katzpinke Colleen', 'Marie Rousso', 'Mary Rose Bartkowicz', and 'Meri Barinov') was one of the moderators of his facebook group when this screenshot was taken:


His attempts to explain this away just result in further convolution:


Regarding Rensoup: I can only assume Peter is referring to some debate regarding Prince of Persia, which fizzled out no later than March 2022. PoP is in fact freely downloadable, and Rensoup's latest (and quite reasonable) complaint is that someone appeared to be selling or was planning to sell pre-flashed cartridges with copies of his software on them.

As for Lance Ringquist: that's the usual response he issues, but he in fact shares Peter's opinion of AtariAge and repeatedly defends Peter's behaviour.

Here's another example of Peter admitting to being in control the account while simultaneously denying it:


Ostatnio edytowany przez flashjazzcat (2022-12-02 13:49:17)


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

This Pac-Mad looks like a fun game. Like to see how the A.I. works that controls the ghosts. Pascal looks a lot like Basic, and ML code can be mixed in also.


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

If someone has any grievances about my actions, You may contact Video61 at Atarisales.com.
Video61 runs a business and has a customer base. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please ask him.

Ostatnio edytowany przez PeteyM5 (2022-12-31 13:35:16)


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

co ja tam widze? cegły?

ocho, bedzie zbiorka ;-)



Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

Is there something similar is Pascal similar to USR in Basic. Have some ML routines that I used with programs before.


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

USR ? for what

  jsr everywhere
*- TeBe/Madteam
3x Atari 130XE, SDX, CPU 65816, 2x VBXE, 2x IDE Plus rev. C


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

PilotZmii napisał/a:

Is there something similar is Pascal similar to USR in Basic. Have some ML routines that I used with programs before.

https://forums.atariage.com/topic/24365 … -examples/
https://forums.atariage.com/topic/24996 … ad-pascal/

*- TeBe/Madteam
3x Atari 130XE, SDX, CPU 65816, 2x VBXE, 2x IDE Plus rev. C


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

tebe napisał/a:
PilotZmii napisał/a:

Is there something similar is Pascal similar to USR in Basic. Have some ML routines that I used with programs before.

https://forums.atariage.com/topic/24365 … -examples/
https://forums.atariage.com/topic/24996 … ad-pascal/

Thank you, I see there is now a way to make ML calls with "asm" and "end" statements. ML calls help speed up and reduce the size of large programs. The language is very similar to basic. Can pass parameters to subroutines.
Looking through the threads, I see a notorious person posting to make KLAX. Does he still post nasty comments about what's going on here with various Facebook accounts?

Ostatnio edytowany przez PeteyM5 (2022-12-06 13:40:45)


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

xxl napisał/a:

co ja tam widze? cegły?

ocho, bedzie zbiorka ;-)

As the Americans say: Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. The cat throws a lot, but cannot take what comes back.


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

PilotZmii napisał/a:

As the Americans say: Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. The cat throws a lot, but cannot take what comes back.

I thought for a moment a few posts back that you had started to become reasonable, but clearly you still believe that someone who 'uses mean words' to the attention-seeking idiots previously listed deserves to have his house vandalised (violence, empty-threats and abject cowardice of course being the first refuge of those who cannot provide a cogent argument using words).


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

aktualizuje bo pojawily sie nowe pomysly na patoscenie:

1. na patoscenie nie miesci sie w ramach regulaminu odpalanie prac ktore laduja sie od $800
2. patoscenie ogranicza sie do jednego formatu danych dla uruchamianych programow - xex, gdy pojawia sie cos innego powolywana jest komisja "medrcow" ktorzy zastanawiaja sie co to jest .atr, .car, .cas itp.


Ostatnio edytowany przez xxl (2022-12-16 17:06:46)



Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

Tracę czas, ale co mi tam.

..wiesz, jeśli jest powiedziane na ten przykład, że jest loader np. z memlo dajmy na to $0920 i od takiego memlo zaczynamy i ktoś robi od $0800 to co? Nie umie czytać, czy o co chodzi? Może dostarczyć boot atr z własnym loaderem i problemu nie ma. Jątrzysz znów nieistniejący problem.

Kontakt: pin@usdk.pl


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

Pin napisał/a:

Może dostarczyć boot atr z własnym loaderem i problemu nie ma.

napewno? patoscena nie dopuszcza programow odpalanych z xBIOSA



Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

a po co xbios do boot ATR?

Druga sprawa to wskaż mi punkt w którym jest napisane, ze xbios jest zakazany :D

Ostatnio edytowany przez Pin (2022-12-16 20:08:36)

Kontakt: pin@usdk.pl


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

Be careful what you post, provoking others encourages bad reactions. Certainly do not want to upset anyone to come vandalize our homes.
It seems that Facebook Anne vanished. [Maybe Video61 got through]. I understand, this has happened before. Recent group posts focus towards one's games.

Ostatnio edytowany przez PeteyM5 (2022-12-17 12:37:18)


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

Pin napisał/a:

Druga sprawa to wskaż mi punkt w którym jest napisane, ze xbios jest zakazany :D

Pin napisał/a:

Na Fortyfication na kompo nie będą dopuszczone prace pod xBios.

albo ten pato punkt:

"Atari ma wspaniałą architekturę, która umożliwia współdziałanie różnych pamięci zewnętrznych i rozszerzeń - tworzenie prac, które nie działają z nimi nie jest zgodne z tym regulaminem,"

ktory automatycznie zabrania calodyskow np. z irqloaderami

cos co bylo niezlym wyczynem i wymagalo niemalej wiedzy na patoscenie jest wycinane,

a jak wiadomo xb w prosty sposob pozwala zrobic takie efekty :-)

Ostatnio edytowany przez xxl (2022-12-16 22:07:55)



Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

myślałem, że mówimy o obecnych parties, tymczasem walisz mi tu jakieś prehistoryczne zapisy o Fortyfication ;)

W następnym punkcie nie widzę zakazu użycia xbiosa. Są za to pożyteczne zapisy dzięki którym na "parties" nie ma konieczności prezentowania prac kodowanych w formacie *.MP4. :) :)

Ale przebaczam Ci - zrozumiesz jak zrobisz swoje pierwsze w życiu party :D

Kontakt: pin@usdk.pl


Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?

ze niby patoscena ma date przydatnosci? hehehe

pozyteczne zapisy :-) hahahah

rozbawiles mnie, wlasciwie to wszystko co mowisz jes smieszne :-)

party nie zorganizuje nigdy bo podobnie jak Ty sie na tym nie znam :D
