Temat: OS Calls routines

does any one know what address i can call in the OS to do

1) Reset VBI
2) Reset DLI

or reset any other interrupts without going throug the warmstart routine ($E477)

Atari Lives Forever


Odp: OS Calls routines

you mean deactivate?


Odp: OS Calls routines

I'm afraid you have to save old values of vectors of page 2 somewhere in memory and restore these manualy later.

Zawsze mam rację, tylko nikt mnie nie słucha.


Odp: OS Calls routines

yes i mean diactivate.

Atari Lives Forever


Odp: OS Calls routines

    lda $10       ; save irqens
    sta irqen.sav
    lda #$00
    sta $d40e     ; disable NMI
    sta $10       ; disable IRQ
    sta $d20e

You enable inerrupts this way:

    jsr $e46b     ; enable NMI (VBL only)
    lda irqen.sav ; enable IRQ
    sta $10
    sta $s20e
Zawsze mam rację, tylko nikt mnie nie słucha.


Odp: OS Calls routines

what is irqen.sav?, what address is it?

Atari Lives Forever


Odp: OS Calls routines

i did find out that to disable vbi calls i need to set the vbi call routine to the original

        LDY #<$E462
        LDX #>$E462
        LDA #$07
        JSR $E45C

Atari Lives Forever


Odp: OS Calls routines

what is irqen.sav?, what address is it?

This is your own label and its address may be everywhere.

To disable VBL you don't need to set its address. Only when you've changed it and want to restore the original. This one you shown is the second phase of VBI. If you want to set the first one you have to load $06 to accumulator.

Zawsze mam rację, tylko nikt mnie nie słucha.