Temat: sorry guys i did it again - another g2f intro...

this time i played around with g2f...tebe great work!!!

it's now very oldschoolish... 8) have fun... grtx to all - see you all in the EU!

screenshots, credits + files ---> here

http://www.atariage.com/forums/viewtopi … 569#510569



Odp: sorry guys i did it again - another g2f intro...

Hellou Heaven, it`s probably the best g2f intro. Especially music, it`s very cool.

Maybe we should consider new compo - g2f intro ;)

Czy możecie wyjaśnić, Stirlitz, dlaczego wasz służbowy adres stirlitz@rsha.gov.de ma aliasa justas@gru.su?
Nie czytam PM. Proszę używać e-mail.


Odp: sorry guys i did it again - another g2f intro...

thanks, dely... music credits have to be passed to sack & 4mat of cosine


tebe has done a great job with g2f... (sometimes hard to understand without any doc (i can't read polish...i am afraid...) and i am just learning how to use & convert stuff easily just for fun...

i am sure that g2f compo will come... ;)

xray.... when can we expect RMT tunes???? :D


Odp: sorry guys i did it again - another g2f intro...

xray.... when can we expect RMT tunes???? :D

I'd better send you x-asm source for TMC :)
Just give me your e-mail (the old I suppose doesn't work anymore :) )

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Odp: sorry guys i did it again - another g2f intro...



Odp: sorry guys i did it again - another g2f intro...

xray.... when can we expect RMT tunes???? :D

maybe some day ... ;)

Im dłużej czekamy, tym wzorek jest większy" (c) by Sikor


Odp: sorry guys i did it again - another g2f intro...

xray.... when can we expect RMT tunes???? :D

maybe some day ... ;)

No x-ray! Stay with me. Don't go to heaven.  :evil:

Hmm... Sounds a bit stupid  :D  :D  :D

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Odp: sorry guys i did it again - another g2f intro...

what about a nice PC version of TMC???? then maybe more people would start to make music??? or stupid idea?


Odp: sorry guys i did it again - another g2f intro...

Good job. Keep it up! Maybe something bigger..?


Odp: sorry guys i did it again - another g2f intro...

what about a nice PC version of TMC???? then maybe more people would start to make music??? or stupid idea?

Good idea.  And possible right now. Just start Atari800Win :)
O.K. I have to change some stupid keystrokes but I'm working on that.

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Odp: sorry guys i did it again - another g2f intro...


hmm... how small quota you have there?
O.K. I've updated my page. Get this:
It is a small converter Atari->PC. Converts also Quick Assembler to x-asm (you only have to take care about "opt" directives, usually delete them). TMC player source is also on my page (try to find it, learn polish :) )

Aby odpackować teksty trzeba najpierw odpackować  program do ich odpackowywania - Energy #1